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Updated Nomenclature | Anatomy | Aula de Anatomia

Updated Nomenclature

Old Name Current Name
Membrane Part Membraceous Part
Nutririum Orifice Foramen Nutric
Nutritive Channel Nutrition Channel
Hole Foramen
Border Margin
Carotid Channel Carotic Channel
Storm Rock Petrorous Part of the Storm
Vertex Apice
Shoulderblade Scapula
Cubit Ulna
Metacarpic Metacarpal
Iliac Ilium
Kneecap Patel
Peroneo Fibula
Astragalus Tallus

                     Old Name                     Current Name
Bicondilian joint Bicondylar articulation
Umerocubital articulation Umeroulnar articulation
Cubial Tunnel Carpal tunnel
Infrarotullian synovial fold Infrapatellar synovial fold
Tibioperoneal joint Tibiofibular joint
Tibiotarsal joint Talocrural articulation


Old Name Current Name
tendinous intersection tendinous intersection
Extrinsic eyeball muscles Etrinsic Muscles of the Eye Bulb
Epicranial aponeurosis Epicronic aponeurosis
Mental muscle Mental muscle
Barbed muscle Serratile muscle
Carotid sheath Caritic hem
Iliocostal lumbar muscle Iliocostal muscle of the back
Lumbar Rotator Muscles Loin Rotator Muscles
Vava orifice Foramen of the vena cava
Subcutaneous fascia of the abdomen Subcutaneous Abdomen Screen
Mesocubital head Umeroulnar head
Semimembranosus muscle Semimembranous muscle
Semitendinous muscle Semitendinous muscle
Peroneal third muscle Third fibular muscle
Sole muscle Soleus muscle
Subtendinous bags Subtendinous bags


Old Name Current Name
Palatine Palate
cusp vertex Apice of the cusp
Tooth Apex Hole Foramen of the apex of the tooth
Tongue tip Tongue apex
Lingual tonsil Lingual tonsil
Lymphoid nodes Lymphoid Nodules
Amygdaline fossettes Tonsilla Fossils
Pharyngeal nodes Pharyngeal lymph nodes
Tubar tonsil Tubary tonsil
Colon Colo
Colon epiploic appendages Adipose neck appendages
Colon Tapeworm Neck Tape
Pectinal line Pectinated line
Interlobar bile ducts Interlobar Biliferous Ducts
Common hepatic canal Common hepatic duct
Cystic channel Cystic duct
Coledoch channel Coledoch duct
Mesocolen Mesocolon
Small epiplon Smallest omentum
Large epiplon Larger Oment
Peritonen Peritoneum


Old Name Current Name
membranous part membraneous part
Opening the tear duct Lacrimal duct opening
Lung vertex Apice of the lung
Oblique cleavage Oblique fissure
Costomediastinal recess Costomediastinal recess


Old Name Current Name
Papillary Orifices Papillary Formations
Bladder apex Bladder apex


Old Name Current Name
Yellow body Corpus luteum
Fallopian tube Uterine tube
Vulva I can
Different channel Duct deferens
Excretion channel Excretory Duct
Ejaculator channel Ejaculatory duct
Prostatic canaliculi Prostatic Ductules
Ischiorectal fossa Ischioanal fossa


Old Name Current Name
Nutritive Artery Nutricial Artery
Muscle trabeculae Trabeculae meat
Bronchopericardiac membrane Bronchopericardial membrane
arterial duct Arterial Ligation
Basic part Basic part
Uncus artery Unco artery
Urethral branches Ureteric branches
Shutter branch The obturator branch
Mediastinal Veins Mediastinal Veins
Olfactive Turn Vein Vinus of the olfactory gyrus
Chest canal Chest duct
Regional lymph nodes Regional lymph nodes
Bronchomediastinal torso Bronchomediastinal torso


Old Name Current Name
Lymph nodes Lymph nodes
Amygdaline crypts Tonsillar crypts
Palatine tonsil Palatine tonsil
Tubar tonsil Tubary tonsil


Old Name Current Name
Nerve fibers Neurofibers
Cerebellum tent Tentorium of the cerebellum
Tent notch Tentorium notch
Cervical dilation Cervical swelling
Lumbar dilation Lumbar tumescence
Jagged Ligament Denticulated Ligament
Vertex Apice
Beam Treat
Spine Spinal
Cerebellum peduncle Cerebellar peduncle
Lower salivary core Lower salivary nucleus
Tectopontic fibers Tectopontine fibers
Salivary core Salivatory nucleus
Choroid Plexus Chorioid plexus
Fornix column Fornix column
Unique Unco
Putamen Putame
Olfactory Nerve Olfactory Nerve
Nerve of the chin Mental nerve
Stepes Muscle Nerve Stapedius muscle nerve
Shark branch Tubar branch
Branch of the carotid sinus Branch of the carotid sinus
Cubital nerve Ulnar nerve
Shutter nerve Obturator nerve
Peroneal nerve Fibular nerve
Urethral plexus Ureteric plexus


Old Name Current Name
Saw edge Ora serrata
Light lens substance Lens substance
Tenon's Capsule Bubble Sheath
Superior Eyeball Ligation Bulb Suspension Connector
Stirrup Membrane Stapedial membrane
Stirrup muscle Stapedius muscle
Tharar glands Tubary glands
Semicircular channels Semicircular ducts
Inner ear Inner ear
Taste canal Gustatory canal