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Site History | Aula de Anatomia

Site History


It was in a challenging and audacious way that, in September In 2001, three co-workers from Feevale University's Anatomy Laboratory and, above all, friends, decided to create a human anatomy website. Didi as a teacher and Jonas and Douglas  as technicians in the anatomy laboratory, without experience or knowledge in the area of ​​information technology, but motivated by the challenge of sharing knowledge in the area, they launched an Anatomy website Human.


The challenges in the construction and organization of the website were many, from the excess of content related to anatomy, to the incipient technology available at the time to create a website – especially for those who did not master it. The motivation and engagement of those involved were key elements for the site to be up and running in 6 months.

Your first domain was: www.sitedeanatomiahumana2001.com.br

New Image (2)new-system

The creators recall that, in a short time, they realized that the site began to be accessed intensively by students, former students, professors and professionals from different areas of health. Why this almost immediate success? It is believed that due to several reasons: the didactic organization of the material, the wide coverage of the content offered, the reliability of the sources used in the construction of the website, the credibility of the images presented followed by their references, among others that could be listed here.

Over time, fate took charge of separating the three laboratory employees and the creators of the site, causing them to end up following other paths. Didi continued teaching anatomy classes at Feevale, Douglas was selected in an anatomy technician competition at UFRGS and Jonas took over the company FisioBem, as a physiotherapist and ergonomist in companies. Fortunately, time did not prevent them from maintaining their friendship, commitment and dedication to the site, which ensured that several changes were made, in 2008: creation of a new logo and a new platform , content updating, preparation of directed studies and tests online.


In 2015, time and the passion for anatomy again took charge of bringing the trio of friends together for yet another challenge – preparing the Celebrations to celebrate 15 years< /strong> of site existence. Meetings, breakfasts, barbecues, games and jokes, which were not few, were part of these meetings, but also the main objective of disseminating knowledge in human anatomy through the availability of reliable material was pursued with great effort.

Thus, the website had its visual design completely remodeled, which resulted in a new visual identity. In addition, we sought to offer new and interesting didactics for the teaching of human anatomy: videos, quizzes, games, simulations, database of questions and tests, homage mural, among other materials available on the site.

Watch the Site Creator Interview