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Profº Jonas Wecker | teachers | Aula de Anatomia

Profº Jonas Wecker

Jonas Edison Wecker is a physiotherapist and ergonomist, specializing in manual techniques. He currently works as a consultant in companies, carrying out ergonomic training for engineers, doctors, physiotherapists, security technicians, human resources manager and workers in general. Thus, he uses his knowledge about the human body to promote health and quality of life in companies, in order to reduce occupational diseases and improve productivity, resulting in health and profitability for his customers. Jonas emphasizes that the in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and the focus on the worker's body is the great differential of his methodology and guarantees that this approach has boosted his career in the business world.

As a physiotherapist, he has always been a passionate about manual techniques, such as Maitland, Mulligan, Kaltenborn, neural mobilization and joint manipulation, in a preventive way to promote occupational health in companies. Based on the development of palpation techniques and knowledge of human anatomy, Jonas developed – together with Professor Didi – a course on palpation anatomy, which has been taught to students and professionals in the health field.

Jonas has hobbies, playing soccer and playing drums. He has been a drummer for 20 years and, even a little “rusty”, he continues to play international rock and pop rock concerts in the 80s and 90s with the band Paradox, in pubs in Rio Grande do Sul. And as his partners Didi and Douglas play, The audience without a table always applauds standing up (laughs).

The relationship with Human Anatomy began during graduation, when he stood out in the discipline and was a monitor for two years. His determination as an anatomy monitor led him to be hired as an Anatomy Technician at the Laboratory of Feevale University, with the function of performing the dissections of anatomical parts and cadavers. At this time, he strengthened the partnership with Prof. Didi and anatomy technician Douglas, which resulted in the structuring and formatting of the website classanatomia.com, which in 2016 will be completing 15 years.

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