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leg muscles | Systems | Aula de Anatomia

leg muscles

The leg musculature is divided into three regions:

  • Previous Region
  • Lateral Region
  • posterior region

Divisão dos Músculos da Perna


Previous Region Lateral Region
tibialis anterior
Long finger extensor
Extensor hallucis longus
Third fibular
 peroneus longus
peroneus brevis
posterior region
Surface Layer

Medial gastrocnemius
Lateral Gastrocnemius
Plantar Delgado

deep layer

Flexor Longus of the Fingers
Flexor hallucis longus
posterior tibial

Divisão dos Músculos da Perna

Previous Region

Tibial Anterior 1. ANTERIOR TIBIAL

Proximal Insertion : Lateral condyle of the tibia and ½ proximal of the lateral surface of the tibia and interosseous membrane
Distal Insertion : Medial cuneiform and base of 1st metatarsal
Innervation : Deep Fibular Nerve (L4 – S1)
Action : Dorsal Flexion and Inversion of the Foot





Extensor Longo dos Dedos 2. LONG EXTENDER OF THE FINGERS

Proximal Insertion : Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal ¾ of fibula and interosseous membrane
Distal Insertion : Middle and distal phalanx of 2nd to 5th fingers
Innervation : Deep Fibular Nerve (L4 – S1)
Action : Extension of MF, IFP and IFD from 2nd to 5th fingers







Extensor Longo do Hálux 3. HALUX LONG EXTENDER

Proximal Insertion : 2/4 fibula intermediates and interosseous membrane
Distal Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Innervation : Deep Fibular Nerve (L4 – S1)
Action : Extension of the hallux, dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot




Músculo Fibular Terceiro 4. FIBULAR THIRD

Proximal Insertion : Distal 1/3 of the anterior surface of the fibula
Distal Insertion : Base of 5th metatarsal
Innervation : Deep Fibular Nerve (L5 – S1)
Action : Foot Eversion

Lateral Region

Músculo Fibular Curto 1. FIBULAR SHORT

Proximal Insertion : Distal 2/3 of the lateral aspect of the fibula

Distal Insertion : Base of 5th metatarsal
Innervation : Superficial Fibular Nerve (L4 – S1)
Action : Plantar flexion and foot eversion





Músculo Fibular Longo 2. FIBULAR LONG

Proximal Insertion : Head, proximal 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia
Distal Insertion : 1st metatarsal and medial cuneiform
Innervation : Superficial Fibular Nerve (L4 – S1)
Action : Plantar flexion and foot eversion





Posterior Region - Surface Layer

Músculo Gastrocnêmio Lateral e Medial 1. MEDIAL GASTROCNEMIO

Proximal Insertion : Medial condyle of the femur
Distal Insertion : Calcaneus
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (S1 - S2)
Action : Knee Flexion and Ankle Plantar Flexion







Músculo Gastrocnêmio Lateral e Medial 2. SIDE GASTROCNEMIO

Proximal Insertion : Lateral condyle of the femur
Distal Insertion : Calcaneus
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (S1 - S2)
Action : Knee Flexion and Ankle Plantar Flexion







Músculo Sóleo 3. SOLE

Proximal Insertion : Intermediate 1/3 of medial aspect of tibia and head of fibula
Distal Insertion : Calcaneus (gastrocnemius tendon)
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L5 - S1)
Action : Ankle Plantar Flexion







Músculo Plantar Delgado 4. PLANTING SMALL

Proximal Insertion : Lateral condyle of the femur
Distal Insertion : Calcaneus
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L4 - S1)
Action : Helps the Triceps Surae










Posterior Region - Deep Layer

Músculo Poplíteo 1. POPLITEUS

Proximal Insertion : Lateral condyle of the femur
Distal Insertion : Solear line of the posterior surface of the tibia
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L4 - S1)
Action : Flexion and medial rotation of the knee





Músculo Flexor Longo dos Dedos 2. FINGERS LONG FLEXOR

Proximal Insertion : Posterior surface of tibia
Distal Insertion : Distal phalanges of the 2nd to 5th finger
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L5 – S1)
Action : Plantar Flexion and Ankle Inversion, MF Flexion, IFP and IFD of the 2nd to 5th Toes






Músculo Flexor Longo do Hálux 3. LONG HALUX FLEXOR

Proximal Insertion : Distal 2/3 of the posterior surface of the fibula and interosseous membrane
Distal Insertion: Distal phalanx of hallux
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L5 – S2)
Action : Flexion of the hallux, plantar flexion and inversion of the ankle





Músculo Tibial Posterior 4. TIBIAL HEAD

Proximal Insertion : Posterior surface of tibia and proximal 2/3 of fibula and interosseous membrane
Distal Insertion : 3 cuneiform (medial, middle and lateral), cuboid, navicular and base of 2nd to 4th metatarsals
Innervation : Tibial Nerve (L5 and S1)
Action : Plantar flexion and foot inversion





Anterior View - Superficial Dissection
 Músculos da Perna -Vista Anterior - Dissecação Superficial
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Anterior View - Deep Dissection
 Músculos da Perna - Vista Anterior - Dissecação Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Side view
 Músculo da Perna - Vista Lateral
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Posterior View - Superficial Dissection
 Músculo da Perna - Vista Posterior - Dissecação Superficial
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Posterior View - Intermediate Dissection
 Músculo da Perna - Vista Posterior - Dissecação Intermediária
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Posterior View - Deep Dissection
 Músculo da Perna - Vista Posterior - Dissecação Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

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