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thigh muscles | Systems | Aula de Anatomia

thigh muscles

The muscles of the thigh region can be watered in 3 regions:

  • anterolateral region
  • posterior region
  • Posteromedial region
Anterolateral Region   posterior region
Latissimus Fascia Tensor
quadriceps femoris
  Biceps Femoris
Posteromedial Region
Adductor Longus
Adductor Short
Adductor Magnus

anterolateral region

Músculo Tensor da Fáscia Lata 1. FASCIA LATIN TENSIONER

Proximal Insertion : Iliac Crest and EIAS

Distal Insertion : Ileo-tibial tract

Innervation : Superior Gluteal Nerve (L4 – S1)

Action : Flexion, Abduction and Medial Rotation of the Hip and Lateral Rotation of the Knee



Músculo Sartório 2. SARTORIO

Proximal Insertion : Anterosuperior iliac spine

Distal Insertion : Medial surface of the tibial tuberosity (goose foot)

Innervation : Femoral Nerve (L2 – L3)

Action : Flexion, Abduction and Lateral Rotation of the Thigh and Flexion and Medial Rotation of the Knee



Músculo Quadríceps Femoral - VastosMúsculo Quadríceps Femoral - Reto Femoral 3. QUADRICEPS FEMORAL

Proximal Insertion :
Anterior Rectus : Anteroinferior iliac spine
Vastus Lateralis: Greater trochanter, linea aspera, intertrochanteric line, and gluteal tuberosity
Vastus Medialis : Linea aspera and intertrochanteric line
Vastus Intermediate : 2/3 proximal to the anterior and lateral aspect of the femur and ½ distal to the linea aspera

Distal Insertion : Patella and, via the patellar ligament, on the anterior tuberosity of the tibia

Innervation : Femoral Nerve (L2 – L4)

Action : Knee Extension and the Rectus Femoris performs Hip Flexion. The vastus medialis medially rotates and the vastus lateralis laterally rotates.


posterior region

Músculo Bíceps Femoral - Porção LongaMúsculo Bíceps Femoral - Porção Curta 1. FEMORAL BICEPS

Proximal Insertion :
Long head: Ischial tuberosity and sacrotuberous ligament
Short Head: Lateral lip of linea aspera

Distal Insertion : Head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia

Innervation : Sciatic Nerve (L5 – S2), except L5 for the long head

Action : Hip Extension, Knee Flexion, and Lateral Rotation of the Knee

Músculo Semitendíneo 2. SEMITENDINEUS

Proximal Insertion : Ischial tuberosity

Distal Insertion : Medial surface of the tibial tuberosity (goose foot)

Innervation : Sciatic Nerve (L5 – S2)

Action : Hip Extension, Flexion and Medial Rotation of the Knee



Músculo Semimembranaceo 3. SEMI-MEMBRANACEOUS

Proximal Insertion : Ischial tuberosity

Insertion Distal I: Medial condyle of the tibia

Innervation : Sciatic Nerve (L5 – S2)

Action : Hip Extension, Flexion and Medial Rotation of the Knee


Biceps Femoris + Semitendinosus + Semimembrane

Músculo Bíceps Femoral - Porção LongaMúsculo Bíceps Femoral - Porção CurtaMúsculo SemetendíneoMúsculo Semembranáceo


Posteromedial Region

Músculo Grácil 1. FREE

Proximal Insertion : Pubic symphysis and inferior ramus of pubis

Distal Insertion : Medial surface of the tibial tuberosity (goose foot)

Innervation : Obturator nerve (L2 – L3)

Action : Thigh adduction, flexion and medial rotation of the knee



Músculo Pectíneo 2. PECTINEUM

Proximal Insertion : Ilo-pectineal eminence, pubic tubercle and superior ramus of pubis

Distal Insertion : Dentate line of femur

Innervation : Femoral Nerve (L2 – L4)

Action : Hip flexion and thigh adduction






Músculo Adutor Longo 3. LONG ADDUCTOR

Proximal Insertion : Anterior surface of pubis and pubic symphysis

Distal Insertion : Rough line

Innervation : Obturator nerve (L2 – L4)

Action : Thigh adduction






Músculo Adutor Curto 4. SHORT ADDUCTOR

Proximal Insertion : Inferior ramus of pubis

Distal Insertion : Rough line

Innervation : Obturator nerve (L2 – L4)

Action : Thigh adduction







Músculo Adutor Magno 5. GREEN ADUCTOR

Proximal Insertion : Ischial tuberosity, ramus of pubis and ischium

Distal Insertion : Linea aspera and adductor tubercle

Innervation : Obturator Nerve (L2 – L4) and Sciatic Nerve (L4 to S1)

Action : Thigh adduction




Anterior View - Superficial Dissection
Músculos da Coxa - Vista Anterior - Dissecação Superficial
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Anterior View - Deep Dissection
Músculos da Coxa - Vista Anterior - Dissecação Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Anterior View - Deep Dissection
 Músculos da Coxa - Vista Anterior - Dissecação Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Side view
Músculos da Coxa - Vista Lateral
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Posterior View - Superficial Dissection
Músculos da Coxa - Vista Posterior - Dissecação Superficial
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
Posterior View - Deep Dissection
Músculos da Coxa - Vista Posterior - Dissecação Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.


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