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Individual Characteristics | Systems | Aula de Anatomia

Individual Characteristics

Atlas ( 1st Cervical Vertebra )

The main difference between this and the other vertebrae is that it does not have a body.

In addition, this vertebra has other structures:

  • Anterior Arch – forms about 1/5 of the ring.
  • anterior tuber
  • Dental Fovea – articulates with the Axis Tooth (odontoid process)
  • Posterior Arch – forms about 2/5 of the ring.
  • posterior tubercle
  • Lateral Masses – bulkier and more solid parts of the atlas and support the weight of the head.
  • Superior Articular Face – articulates with the occipital condyles.
  • Inferior Articular Face – articulates with the superior articular processes of the 2nd cervical vertebra (Axis).
  • Transverse Processes – the transverse foramina are found.
 Atlas - Vista Superior
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
 Sacro - Vista Inferior
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

Axis ( 2nd Cervical Vertebra )

It presents a strong bony process called Tooth (Odontoid Process) that is located superiorly and articulates with the anterior arch of the Atlas.

 Áxis - Vista Anterior
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.
 Áxis - Vista Posterior
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

7th Cervical Vertebra (Prominent Vertebra)

* Long and prominent spinous process.

 C7 - Vista Superior

Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

12th Thoracic Vertebrae

* Single thoracic vertebra with inferior articular processes lateralized.

Twelfth Thoracic (T12) - SIDE VIEW
 T12 - Vista Lateral
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

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