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foot bones | Systems | Aula de Anatomia

foot bones

The foot is divided into: tarsus, metatarsus and phalanges.

tarsal bones

There are 7 in number divided into two rows: proximal and distal.

Proximal Row : Talus (trochlea) and Calcaneus (calcaneal tuber)

Ossos da Fileira Proximal do Tarso
Distal Row: Navicular , Cuboid , Medial Cuneiform, Intermediate Cuneiform (Middle) and Lateral Cuneiform

Osso da Fileira Distal do Tarso


It consists of 5 metatarsal bones that are numbered from medial to lateral in I , II , III , IV and V and correspond to the toes, the I being called the hallux and the minimum V.

Ossos do Metatarso

Long bones are considered to have a proximal epiphysis which is the base and a distal epiphysis which is the head.


 Ossos da Falanges They have 14 phalanges:

From 2nd to 5th Fingers :

1st Phalanx (Proximal)

2nd Phalanx (Average)

3rd Phalanx (Distal)


1st Phalanx (Proximal)

2nd Phalanx (Distal)





 Ossos do Pé - Vista Dorsal
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.


 Ossos do Pé - Vista Plantar
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

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