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Back Muscles | Systems | Aula de Anatomia

Back Muscles

posterior region of thorax   Posterior Region of the Neck
Latissimus dorsi
levator scapula
Serratus Minor Posterosuperior
Serratus Minor Posterior-Inferior
  Splenium of the Head
Splenium of the Neck
Head semispinatus
Neck semispinatus
semispinatus of the thorax
Vertebral Gutter   Suboccipital Triangle
Spine erectors
  Greater Posterior Rectus of the Head
Rectus Posterior Minor of the Head
Superior Oblique of the Head
Inferior Oblique of the Head

posterior region of thorax

Músculo Trapézio 1. TRAPEZE

Medial Insertion : Superior nuchal line, nuchal ligament, and spinous processes from C7 to T12

Lateral Insertion : Posterior border of clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula

Innervation : Accessory Nerve (XI cranial nerve) and Trapezius nerve (C3 – C4)

Action :

* Fixed in the Spine : Shoulder Elevation, Scapula Adduction, Superior Rotation of the Scapulae and Shoulder Depression


* Fixed on the Scapula :

Unilateral Contraction : Homolateral Tilt and Contralateral Head Rotation

Bilateral Contraction : Head Extension

Músculo Latíssimo do Dorso 2. Latissimus dorsi

Medial Insertion : Spinous processes of 6th last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae, sacral crest, posterior 1/3 of iliac crest, and outer surface of last 4 ribs

Lateral Insertion : Intertubercular Groove

Innervation : Thoracodorsal Nerve (C6 – C8)

Action : Adduction, Extension and Medial Rotation of the Arm. Shoulder Depression



Músculo Romboide 3. RHOMBOID

Medial Insertion : Spinous processes from C7 to T5

Lateral Insertion : Medial border of scapula

Innervation : Dorsal nerve of the scapula (C5)

Action : Inferior adduction and rotation of the scapulae and shoulder elevation


Músculo Levantador da Escápula 4. SCAPULA LIFTER

Inferior Insertion : Superior angle of scapula

Superior Insertion : Transverse process from atlas to C4

Innervation : Dorsal nerve of the scapula (C5)

Action : Elevation and Adduction of the Scapula. Cervical Spine Tilt and Homolateral Rotation and Head Extension.




Medial Insertion : Spinous processes from C7 to T3

Lateral Insertion : Upper border and outer surface of 2nd to 5th ribs

Innervation : Branches of the first 4 intercostal nerves

Action : Elevation of the first ribs (inspiratory action)



Músculo Serrátil Menor Póstero-inferior 6. SERRATILE MINOR POSTERO-INFERIOR

Medial Insertion : Spinous processes from T11 to L3

Lateral Insertion : Lower edge and outer surface of the last 4 ribs

Innervation : 9th to 12th intercostal nerves

Action : Depression of the last ribs (expiratory action)






Posterior Region of the Neck


Superior Insertion : Lateral 1/3 of superior nuchal line and mastoid process of temporal bone

Inferior Insertion : Spinous processes from C7 to T4

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Extension, Tilt and Homolateral Rotation of the Head




Superior Insertion : Transverse process of the first 3 cervical vertebrae

Inferior Insertion : Spinous process from T3 to T6

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Extension, Tilt and Homolateral Rotation of the Head




Músculo Semiespinhal da Cabeça 3. SEMISPINHAL OF THE HEAD

Superior Insertion : Between the superior and inferior nuchal line

Lower Insertion : Transverse process from T1 to T7 and articular processes from C5 to C7

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Head extension and homolateral head tilt






Superior Insertion : Spinous process from C1 to C7

Lower Insertion : Transverse processes from T1 to T6

Innervation : Spinal nerves (dorsal branches)

Action : Extension and Contralateral Rotation of the Neck




Músculo Semiespinhal do Tórax 5. SEMISPINALS OF THE THORAX

Superior Insertion : Spinous process C6 to T4

Lower Insertion : Transverse processes from T6 to T10

Innervation : Spinal nerves (dorsal branches)

Action : Extension and Contralateral Rotation of the Neck





Suboccipitals – Suboccipital Trine

Músculo Reto Posterior Menor da Cabeça 1. HEAD MAJOR POSTERIOR RECTUS

Superior Insertion : Inferior nuchal line

Lower Insertion: Spinous process of axis

Innervation : Cervical Plexus (C1)

Action : Head extension and contralateral rotation






two Músculo Reto Posterior Maior da Cabeça . HEAD MINOR POSTERIOR RECTUS

Superior Insertion : Inferior nuchal line

Inferior Insertion : Tubercle of posterior arch of atlas

Innervation : Cervical Plexus (C1)

Action : Head Extension





Músculo Oblíquo Superior da Cabeça


Superior Insertion : Between the superior and inferior nuchal lines

Lower Insertion : Transverse process of the atlas

Innervation : Cervical Plexus (C1)

Action : Extension, Homolateral Tilt, and Contralateral Head Rotation




Músculo Oblíquo Inferior da Cabeça



Superior Insertion : Transverse process of the atlas

Inferior Insertion : Spinous process of axis

Innervation : Cervical Plexus (C2)

Action : Extension and Homolateral Rotation of the Atlas





Vertebral Gutter Muscles – Paravertebrals


Músculo Espinhal SPINAL (+ Medial)

Head portion:

Connected to the semispinal of the head

Neck portion :
Origin : Nuchal ligament and spinous processes from C7 to T2
Insertion : Spinous processes C2 to C4

Chest portion :
Origin : Spinous processes T11 to L2
Insertion : Spinous processes of the upper thoracic (ranges from 4 to 8)

Innervation : Spinal nerves (dorsal branches)

Action : Extension of the Spine


LONG BACK (Intermediate)

Músculo Dorsal Longo Head portion :
Superior Insertion : Mastoid Process
Lower Insertion : Transverse processes from T1 to T4 and articular processes from C4 to C7

Neck portion :
Upper Insertion : Transverse processes from C2 to C6
Lower Insertion : Transverse processes from T1 to T4

Chest portion :
Superior Insertion : Transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae and last 10 ribs
Inferior Insertion : Transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae and lumbocostal aponeurosis

Innervation : Spinal nerves (dorsal branches)

Action : Extension and Homolateral Tilt of the Spine



ILIOCOSTAL (+ Lateral)

Músculo Iliocostal Cervical Portion :
Upper Insertion : Transverse processes from C4 to C6
Lower Insertion : Angle of 3rd to 6th ribs

Thoracic Portion
Superior Insertion : Angle of first 6 ribs and transverse process of C7
Lower Insertion : Angle of the last 6 ribs

Lumbar Portion :
Superior Insertion : Angle of the last 6 ribs
Inferior Insertion : Dorsal surface of sacrum

Innervation : Spinal nerves (dorsal branches)

Action : Extension and Homolateral Tilt of the Spine


Músculos Rotadores ROTATORS

Insertions : Extends from sacrum to C2. Connect the transverse process of one vertebra with the spinous process of the overlying vertebra

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Extension and Contralateral Rotation of the Spine




Músculo Multifidos MULTIFIDS

Origin : Dorsum of the sacrum, EIPS, mammillary processes of the lumbar, transverse process of the thoracic and articular processes from C4 to C7

Insertion : Spinous process 3 to 5 vertebrae above

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Stabilization and Extension of the Spine




Músculo Intertransversal INTERTRANSVERSAL

Superior Insertion : Transverse process of the superior vertebra

Lower Insertion : Transverse process of lower vertebra

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Homolateral Tilt of the Spine



Músculo Interespinhal INTERSPINALS

Superior Insertion : Spinous process of the superior vertebra

Inferior Insertion : Spinous process of the inferior vertebra

Innervation : Spinal nerves of the corresponding segment

Action : Extension of the Spine



Rear View - Surface Layer
Músculos do Dorso -Vista Posterior - Camada Superficial
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

Rear View - Intermediate Layer
Músculos do Dorso -Vista Posterior - Camada Intermediária
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

Rear View - Deep Layer
Músculos do Dorso -Vista Posterior - Camada Profunda
Source: NETTER, Frank H.. Atlas of Human Anatomy. 2nd edition Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2000.

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